Congrats on the decision! I find it extremely interesting the fact that the editors all found different things to pick at - and what was not liked by some was liked by others. That sounds to me like a story that will spark vivid conversations among its readers!

Looking forward to witness this journey of yours! All the best <3

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Congratulations on making the choice to go the indie route! I know that that must have been hard if trad publishing was where your heart was at. The indieauthor route can be a hard and slow one, but there is so much more freedom to it. I went the indie route myself and don't regret it. I wish you all the best with your book!

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Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words!

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I know it must be rough having gotten so close to “the dream” - I hope you take it positively how close you came. Just to get into editors

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(Ack my cat twitched and made me hit send accidentally!)

Just to get into editors’ hands means you have a great story and great ability as a writer. There’s into much a writer can do about the business end of things though. I look forward to hearing about your independent journey, and wish you the best of luck!

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Thank you so much!

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The publishing world is a tough market where economic and political factors (and even other interests) are intertwined. Sure, it's harder for an indie author, but there's also more freedom, and who knows, maybe you'll find a lot of readers. I hope you do. Keep me posted. I'd like to read your book :-)

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Thanks so much!

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Thanks so much! I hope it does spark many readers’ conversations!

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